The patch library is not limited to the functionalities of the synthesizer. Patches in the library are stored on the computer. This allows the patch library to offer additional features such as:
These additional features are only available when using the editor and will not be available on the synthesizer.
Patches have to be imported from the synthesizer. The imported patches are then tightly linked to the ones on synthesizer.
Patches or banks linked to the synthesizer have a little keyboard image next to them:
These patches work just like other library patches but they give access to additional features such as:
Patch banks stored on the synthesizer can be imported:
Do not try to do any other operation while patches are being imported to avoid import problems.
The patch library offers advanced patch search possibilities.
By default, patches that are not associated to a bank or session are shown in the Patch list. These are considered "unclassified".
Bank patches are patches that are associated with a bank, either when importing patches from the synthesizer or by explicitly associating them with one or more banks.
Session patches are patches that are associated to a session. Technically, they work just like banks and are there for organizational purposes only. The idea is to have patches used in a particular musical project to be associated to a session (eg. "Ambient song 003") and use banks to organize the patch library (eg. "Analog Collection 1").
The Session list is filtered by the text in the field just above the list.
Patch categories are used to categorized the patches. The Category list is filtered by the text in the field just above the list.
Below an example of All patches present in either bank A or B that are either in the "Atmospheric" or "Pad" category:
Timbre are used to specify one or more timbres for a patch. The Timbre list is filtered by the text in the field just above the list.
Below an example of All patches present in either bank A or B that are either in the "Atmospheric" or "Pad" category and having either "Harsh" or "Bright" timbre:
The patch list displays the matching patches based on the Banks, Sessions, Categories and Timbres selected.
Additionally the Patch list is filtered by the text in the text field just above the list either on:
For example, if "John" has been set as the author of some of the patches, typing "John" in the Patch field will show patches in which author is "John". The behavior is similar for patch comment.